Given concerns about the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and the safety of our guests, the 2020 Hendrick Best Practices for Adult Learners Conference that was scheduled for May 14, 2020 at Penn State University Park was canceled.
Given concerns about the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and the safety of our guests, the 2020 Hendrick Best Practices for Adult Learners Conference that was scheduled for May 14, 2020 at Penn State University Park was canceled.
Dr. Joe Cuseo
Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Marymount College (CA), Educational Advisor to AVID in Higher Education
Joe Cuseo holds a doctoral degree in Educational Psychology and Assessment from the University of Iowa and is Professor Emeritus of Psychology. For more than 25 years, he directed the first-year seminar–a core college-success course required of all incoming students.
Currently, Joe serves as an educational advisor and consultant for AVID—a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote the college access and success of underserved student populations.
He’s a 14-time recipient of the “faculty member of the year award” on his home campus—a student-driven award based on effective teaching and academic advising, a recipient of the “Outstanding First-Year Student Advocate Award” from the National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, and a recipient of the “Diamond Honoree Award” from the American College Personnel Association (ACPA) for contributions made to student development and the Student Affairs profession.
Joe has authored articles and books on student learning and development, the most recent of which are Student-Faculty Engagement Inside & Outside the Classroom, Thriving in College and Beyond: Research-Based Strategies for Academic Success & Personal Development, and Diversity & The College Experience.
He has delivered hundreds of campus workshops and conference presentations across North America, as well as Europe, Asia, Australia, and the Middle East.
Dear colleagues:
It is with regret that I write on behalf of the Commission for Adult Learners to inform you of the decision to cancel this spring’s Hendrick Best Practices for Adult Learners Conference. The Commission met with its sponsors, Madlyn Hanes, Rob Pangborn, Damon Sims, Marcus Whitehurst, and Craig Weidemann and determined that in light of the state budget impasse in Harrisburg and uncertainties surrounding Penn State’s appropriation, it would be best to cancel the upcoming event. We did not want to put any further stress on already tight unit budgets from which attendees would normally be reimbursed for attending the conference or take away from financial resources that could be used in more strategic ways to mitigate the impact of current budget uncertainties.
In the meantime, the conference planning committee will be determining ways to provide informational updates to our audience to keep you current with best practices in serving this important population of students.
I thank you for your understanding and support.
Dr. Francis Achampong,
Chancellor, Penn State Mont Alto and
Chair, Commission for Adult Learners
Scott J. Sheely
Former Executive Director of the Lancaster County Workforce Investment Board
Scott J. Sheely was the Executive Director of the Lancaster County Workforce Investment Board, one of 22 such boards in Pennsylvania, for 15 years retiring in 2015. Vocationally, he has worked as the human resources director of a large mental health agency, the operations manager of a nursing home chain, the associate pastor of a church, and the owner of a regional wholesale jewelry business. A graduate of Franklin and Marshall College in government, Wright State University in mental health counseling, and United Theological Seminary in pastoral counseling, Scott is currently a doctoral candidate in adult education at Penn State University.
Dr. Roxanne Gonzales
President at Granite State College
Dr. Roxanne Gonzales is the fifth President at Granite State College (GSC) in New Hampshire; GSC’s mission is to serve adults of all ages in the state of New Hampshire. Prior to GSC she was the Academic Dean of the College for Professional Studies at Regis University. She also served as the Dean of Distance Learning and a tenured Associate Professor of Adult Education at Park University, Assistant Professor of Adult Education at Colorado State University, Director of Education and Training at Hanscom AFB and other administrative positions in continuing higher education and TRIO programs.
Dr. Gonzales is published and presents nationally on topics such as adult learning, military and veteran education environments, online learning environments, assessment of learning, and alternative programming for adult learners. She received her doctorate from the University of Massachusetts – Boston in Higher Education Administration, an MS in Counseling from Creighton University, and a BS in Psychology Cum Laude from the University of Maryland University College. She served on the boards of the Hispanic Chamber Education Foundation of Denver and the Denver Better Business Bureau Education Foundation and was the treasurer of the Colorado Advisory Council on Military Education. In addition she was on the New Hampshire Governor’s Commission for Latino Affairs and is a past president of the Association for Continuing Higher Education and served as the institutional representative on the National Association of Institutions for Military Education Services (NAIMES) for over four years prior to moving to Regis. She served on the board of the Kansas City Hispanic Economic Development Corporation, the Philharmonia of Greater Kansas City and a was Board of Trustee member of Wentworth Military Academy and Junior College in Lexington Missouri. She was co-founder of the Park Warrior Center at Park University which serves wounded veterans.
Ronald J. Tomalis
Secretary of Education
Ron Tomalis was nominated by Governor Tom Corbett to serve as the Secretary of Education and was confirmed by the State Senate on April 26, 2011.
The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) develops and administers educational policies to improve the quality of education in the Commonwealth and achieve the basic and higher education goals established by the Governor, General Assembly and the State Board of Education, including public and non- public elementary and secondary schools and institutions of higher education. PDE provides service and technical assistance to Pennsylvania educators; administers education laws of Pennsylvania and the federal government; plans and administers policies for libraries; and manages a system of pre-service and in-service professional development to ensure high-quality personnel in the educational system.
Tomalis brings a range of public and private experience in education and educational systems to his role as a member of Governor Corbett’s cabinet. From 1995 to 2001, he served as PDE’s executive deputy secretary under former Governor Tom Ridge. From 2001 to 2004, he worked for the United States Department of Education in several positions, including counselor to the Secretary and as acting assistant secretary of education in the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education.
After his public service, he was a private advisor and consultant in the field, and most recently was the director of Dutko Worldwide/Whiteboard Advisors, based in Washington, DC. At Dutko, he was a principal advisor to non- and for-profit groups, foundations and companies operating in Pre-K and postsecondary education environments.
Tomalis, born and raised in Camp Hill, is a graduate of Dickinson College.
Anya Kamenetz
Educational Gamechanger and Senior Writer for Fast Company Magazine
“Anya Kamenetz offers a though tful and much-needed call to rethink higher education in a world of spiraling tuition costs, a 50 percent college drop-out rate, and a growing understanding that the one-size-fits-all college model is broken.” — Daniel H. Pink, author of Drive and A Whole New Mind.
Anya Kamenetz is bringing an entirely unexpected perspective on the future of knowledge, talent, and innovation. An educational futurist and the rare speaker on issues facing the Millennials, who actually belongs to this generation, she delivers audiences core insights into change, technology, and talent.
Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize by the Village Voice, her feature series later became a highly regarded book entitled Generation Debt: The New Economics of Being Young. Written when she was just 24, Generation Debt (Riverhead Books, 2006), drew national attention and passionate online debate with its argument that young people are facing unique and unprecedented economic challenges.
Her latest book, DIY U: Edupunks, Edupreneurs, and the Coming Transformation of Higher Education, (Chelsea Green, 2010) tells the story of how technology is disrupting one of the most tradition-bound industries in the country — no industry is safe. It’s an important book about talent, human capital, and how our institutions must evolve to meet the challenges of the next century. The Edupunk’s Guide to a DIY Credential, which is funded by the Gates Foundation, is available for free download now.
She is a sought-after media expert regularly appearing on major news networks including CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, FOX News, CNBC, and NPR. Currently, she covers the future of business, including sustainability and social entrepreneurship, as a senior writer for Fast Company magazine, and is a nationally syndicated columnist for Tribune Media .
Kamenetz’s energetic, informative and down-to-earth presentations draw on her own experience and years of research. She has insight into a range of generation-specific issues most relevant to people in their 20s and 30s: technology and social networking; flex time and work-life balance; finding career passion through engagement in the new green economy and social entrepreneurship; the rising cost of higher education and health care; and money management.
Holly Zanville
Program director at Lumina Foundation
Holly Zanville is a program director at Lumina Foundation, where she focuses on strategies to support student success in higher education. Her portfolio includes work in adult learning, developmental education, higher education/workforce alignment, student learning outcomes, and higher education databases. She leads Lumina’s Adult Degree Completion effort. Most recently, Holly served as coordinator of the Oregon Joint Boards K–20 Redesign Initiative; senior academic officer, Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board; and associate vice chancellor for academic affairs, Oregon University System. She received her PhD in educational administration from the University of Minnesota; MA in English from the University of Wisconsin—Madison, and BA in English and biology from Lindenwood University.